Select Committee Hearing Reports
Hearing I: "Mapping Systems of Care for Children and Youth with Special Needs in the State of California"_December 1, 2016
- Summary Hearing Report_03/01/16 [pdf]
- Description: Report highlights key takeaway points and recommendations proposed by panel speakers during the hearing, meeting minutes, and supplemental material
Hearing II: "Examining Interagency Care Coordination for Children and Youth with Special Needs in the State of California"_April 5, 2016
- Summary Hearing Report_Expected to be released Summer 2016
Select Committee Policy Briefs and Background Material
Purpose: To provide the Select Committee Members with an overview of California’s state-administered public agencies and programs providing care and services to eligible children and youth with special needs from birth up to age 21. This brief is also meant to offer supplemental background information to pair with the Select Committee’s first informational hearing entitled “Mapping the Current System of Care and Funding for Children and Youth with Special Needs in the State of California” held on December 1, 2015.